CohaneTravels: Best of 2013

I haven’t posted a blog for about a month but promise it’s for good reason. I have been on the road for more than five weeks, and have discovered some wonderful new places and spots (watch this space). But before moving on to 2014 here were some of my travel highlights of 2013:   The …

CohaneTravels: Dispatch from the north of Italy

Every year Venice, Milan and Cinque Terre are stops on the fall circuit: The Biennale is still up in Venice but the crowds have dissipated, autumn shopping in Milan is outstanding, and Vernazza is still warm but has an end of season crispness. This year’s trip brought new discoveries too: Gritti Palace. I checked out …

CohaneTravels: Traveling with Kids

5 Tips for smooth traveling and why it’s worth the flight!       On a recent flight from Marrakech to Rome there was a two-year-old in the row in front of us, a two-year-old behind. Our three-year-old was at home and so I felt grateful that our row was adults-only. But the amazing thing …

CohaneTravels: Five Musts in Marrakech

Morocco has been on my wish list for years but never got there until this past weekend for a dear friend’s birthday bash. It was an outstanding trip and I raced around trying to cram in the highlights in three days. Here are my five musts: Riad El Fenn With no disrespect to the grand dames …

CohaneTravels: Reinventing the Monastic Life

Recently I checked out a new spot in Umbria called Eremito Looking at the website it was a bit hard to exactly know the hotel’s niche, as the prose was, well, conceptual: “This is where Eremito, in its ‘laity’ wants to let the guest rediscover a luxury which comes from days gone, the almost forgotten …